FiberPasta is a healthy pasta having the same pleasant taste as traditional Italian pasta, despite containing 15% of fibre, that means about twice the amount of fibre of dark whole-wheat pasta.
FiberPasta is made with 98% durum wheat and the addition of 2% inulin (prebiotic soluble fibre).
It contains less calories than the regular pasta and is a low glycemic index food (G.I.23).
FiberPasta contains no bran lignin that gives dark colour and unpleasant taste, and is the responsible for causing the reduction of mineral absorption.
FiberPasta is mainly useful on low glycemic index diets, weight and cholesterol control diets. sport diets.
All FiberPasta products are suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.
In the year 2001 FiberPasta was approved by the Italian Ministry of Health as being “food suitable for people suffering from the troubles of glucose metabolism (diabetes)“
We inform all customers that, because of the new European Food Law “on food for special medical purposes” stating that no food product can be declared for diabetic people, we had to remove the claim ” Suitable for Diabetics ” despite our low glycemic index pasta was certified by the Italian Ministry of Health as a suitable for diabetics people and has always been recommended by diabetologists and nutritionists in diabetic diets.
Therefore, we had to comply with the new European Food Law by removing the claim on the packages.
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